Eat + Drink,  Travel

A Morning at Jean-Talon Market
Beekeepers, local producers, butchers, fishmongers, bakers, florists, cheesemongers & more.


In recent years, one of my favorite things to do in a new place is head to the local market (and grocery stores too). So this morning, Anna, Camila, Fred, and I piled into the car and headed towards Jean-Talon Market.

Opened in 1933 in the neighborhood of Little Italy as the Marché du Nord, the market is open year-round and features all sorts of local produce and specialties, as well as imported foods, restaurants, and even a dedicated culinary bookstore. 

First things first, we needed something cold (and preferably fruity) to drink to stave off the heat and humidity. A guava margarita and pineapple mojito from Mazorca MTL fit the bill perfectly.

The halls of the marketplace smell like freshly caught fish, caramel, and vague greenery.

It seems to me that regardless of where you are in the world, markets tend to be arranged in the same general manner. Maybe it’s that familiarity that makes me seek them out on every trip.

The hyper-specialized vendors show off their products so proudly. Every other stall sold maple in one presentation or another.

These might be the most beautiful tomatoes I had ever seen. They’d be perfect for that tomato tarte tatin recipe I’ve been eyeing for months.

Stepping out from under the market roof and into the middle hall, flowers of all colors cover every surface.

At La Fournée des Sucreries de L’Érable (which roughly translates into “the bunch of maple sweets”), we bought some pouding chômeur and tarte au sirop d’érable – two of the most iconic Quebecois desserts.

Before heading back home, I made one last stop at Librairie Gourmande. The amount of restraint I had to exercise to not walk away with several books, trinkets, and autres trouvailles was unreal. Quite possibly my favorite shop of them all.

Now to explore the rest of Little Italy and Mile End.


Jean-Talon Market is located at 7070 Henri-Julien Avenue, Montréal, Québec, Canada.


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Based mainly in Colorado. Loves cheese, rain, and starry nights. Can usually be spotted in the wild wearing a Spirit Jersey and balancing two cameras. Often laughs and cries at the same time. Barely survived one Master's program, but wants to do another.

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