
The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art


It’s not often that I find myself at a loss for words, but art museums have a way of making me shut up the second I step inside. So I’ll keep (mostly) quiet for once, and leave these pictures here to give you a sweeping sense of (what I consider) the best museum in Kansas City.

Entering through the Bloch Building, we walk past Queen Nefertari: Eternal Egypt (an exhibit about life in Ancient Egypt “focusing on the role of women—goddesses, queens, and commoners”), and up a flight of stairs into the main building.

Turn around.

Museum architecture and design are fascinating to me. Do I dare say, sometimes even more than the art itself?

As close to Claude Monet: The Truth of Nature as I’ll ever be, lest I find myself in Postdam sometime soon (damn being the clean version of what I’ve been muttering under my breath ever since the exhibit sold out right under my nose).

Portrait of a Roman Youth.

If I marry a senator, can I get a sarcophagus like this one when I die?

Sarcophagus of Praecilia Severiana, wife of Senator Marcus Sempronius Proculus Faustinianus.

Momentarily confused as to whether I accidentally stepped outside.

Kirkwood Hall, the main hall that can be accessed through the Plaza Entrance or the Sculpture Park Entrance.

So easy to get lost, both literally and figuratively.

I can’t wait until it’s safe to visit China again without fear of being quarantined the second I make my way back home.

Look up.

Close up.

From above.

From below.

Admission to the main exhibits at Nelson-Atkins is free every day, and ticketed exhibitions are $18. A great deal for such a large and well curated museum, if you ask me. Hours are Mon: 10 am–5 pm, Tues: CLOSED, Wed: 10 am–5 pm, Thurs – Fri: 10 am–9 pm, and Sat-Sun: 10 am–5 pm. You can also swing by to Tapas & Tunes on Fridays from 5 pm to close, which tbh sounds amazing. Food and live music at the museum? Sign me up!

The Nelson-Atkins is located on 4525 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO.


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Based mainly in Colorado. Loves cheese, rain, and starry nights. Can usually be spotted in the wild wearing a Spirit Jersey and balancing two cameras. Often laughs and cries at the same time. Barely survived one Master's program, but wants to do another.

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